
Who gets to engage? Who gets to contribute?
Open Access and Open Data are critical elements of effective vibrant scholarly communication systems.
But they are not sufficient on their own to ensure that universities remain relevant and engaged.
In order to effectively support knowledge production and mobilisation, universities must embrace opportunities to engage diverse communities in knowledge making, as well as knowledge sharing.
The Curtin Open Knowledge Initiative (COKI) project undertakes quantitative and qualitative research analysis of global institutional openness; diversity and inclusion in knowledge production; knowledge dissemination and evaluation of open knowledge performance.
The COKI Project is developing new tools for understanding the value that universities create; as well as new perspectives on what it means for a knowledge-making institution to be open.
A selection of the latest publications and analysis produced by the COKI team is available through the links below. A complete list of COKI publications and presentations is available via Zenodo.
Project research highlights by theme
Arthur, P. L., Hearn, L., Montgomery, L., Craig, H., Arbuckle, A., & Siemens, R. (2021). Open scholarship in Australia: A review of needs, barriers, and opportunities. Digital Scholarship in the Humanities, fqaa063.
Huang, C.-K. (Karl). (2020, November 13). How open is open access? The Naked Scientists. [podcast]
Huang, C-K., Wilson, K., Neylon, C., Ozaygen, A., Montgomery, L., and Hosking, R. (2021 in review). Exploratory analysis of indicators for open knowledge institutions: a case study of Australian universities. Available at Humanities Commons.
Montgomery, L., Hartley, J., Neylon, C., Gillies, M., Gray, E., Herrmann-Pillath, C., Huang, C-K., Leach, J., Potts, J., Ren, X., Skinner, K., Sugimoto, C., & Wilson, K. (2021, in press), Open Knowledge Institutions: Reinventing Universities. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
Montgomery, L., Neylon, C., Wilson, K., Huang, C-K., Hosking, R., Ozaygen, A., and Handcock, R. (2020). Who puts the ‘open’ in open knowledge? Cultural Science Journal. 12(1), 13–22. DOI:
Wilson K., Montgomery, L., Neylon, C., Handcock, R.,Hosking, R., Huang, C-K., Ozaygen, A., and Roelofs, A. (2021). Becoming Open Knowledge Institutions: Divergence, Dialogue and Diversity. In: Toeppe K., Yan H., Chu S.K.W. (eds) Diversity, Divergence, Dialogue. iConference 2021. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 12646. Cham: Springer.
Huang, C.-K., Neylon, C., Hosking, R., Montgomery, L., Wilson, K. S., Ozaygen, A., & Brookes-Kenworthy, C. (2020). Meta-Research: Evaluating the impact of open access policies on research institutions. ELife, 9, e57067.
Montgomery, L. (2021, June 23). Making Big Data Useful: How Data Visualisation Can Support Open Scholarship, CAVAL Selling Open Scholarship CRIG forum webinar series
Wilson, K. (2021, June 23). The Curtin Open Knowledge Initiative: Sharing data on scholarly research performance. LIBER Annual Conference 2021. Slides: Presentation recording:
Ozaygen. A., Montgomery, L., Neylon, C., Huang, C-K., Pyne, R., Emery, C., & Lucraft, M. (2020). More readers in more places: The benefits of open access for scholarly books. Zenodo.
Wilson, K., Neylon, C., Brookes-Kenworthy, C., Hosking, R., Huang, C-K., Montgomery, L. & Ozaygen, A. (2019). ‘Is the library open?’: Correlating unaffiliated access to academic libraries with open access support. LIBER Quarterly, 29(1), 1-33.
Wilson, K., Neylon, C., Montgomery, L. & Huang, C-K. (2019). Access to academic libraries: An indicator of openness? Information Research, 24(1), paper 809. (Archived at
Pyne, R., Lucraft, M., Emery, C., Neylon, C., Montgomery, L., & Ozaygen, A. (2020). Diversifying readership through open access: A usage analysis for OA books.
Wilson, K., Kiuna, A., Lamptey, R. B., Veldsman, S., Montgomery, L., Neylon, C., Ozaygen, A., Hosking, R. & Huang, C-K. (2020). Open access and research dissemination in Africa. ELPUB 2020: 24th edition of the International Conference on Electronic Publishing.
Wilson, K., Neylon, C., Montgomery, L., Huang, C-K., Hosking, R., and Ozaygen, A. (2020). Global diversity in higher education staffing: Towards openness.
2020. Handcock, R.N., Neylon, C., Hosking, R., Diprose, J., Roelofs, A., Montgomery, L., Ozaygen, A., Wilson, K., & Huang, C-K. Semi-auto generated reports from a large dataset for non-expert users. 2020 eResearch Australasia
Online Conference, 19 – 23 October 2020.
2020. Roelofs, A., Diprose, J., Hosking, R., Handcock, R.N., Neylon, C., Montgomery, L., Ozaygen, A., Wilson, K., & Huang, C-K. Dynamic allocation of computational resources using Airflow and Terraform. 2020 eResearch Australasia Online Conference, 19 – 23 October 2020.
Huang, C.-K., Neylon, C., Brookes-Kenworthy, C., Hosking, R., Montgomery, L., Wilson, K., & Ozaygen, A. (2020). Comparison of bibliographic data sources: Implications for the robustness of university rankings. Quantitative Science Studies, 1(2), 445-478.
Brookes-Kenworthy, C., Huang, C-K., Neylon, C., Wilson, K., Ozaygen, A., Montgomery, L., & Hosking, R. (2019). Manual cross-validation data for the article: “Comparison of bibliographic data sources: Implications for the robustness of university rankings”. Zenodo.
Huang, C-K., Neylon, C., Hosking, R., Brookes-Kenworthy, C., Wilson, K., & Montgomery, L. (2020). Data and Intermediate Queries for: Evaluating institutional open access performance: Methodology, challenges and assessment. Zenodo.
Selten, F., Neylon, C., Huang, C.-K., & Groth, P. (2020). A longitudinal analysis of university rankings. Quantitative Science Studies, 1(3), 1109–1135.
Project research highlights by format
Montgomery, L., Neylon, C., Ozaygen, A., Leaver, T. (July 31, 2018). How small open access monograph presses can make the most of an increasingly rich data landscape. LSE Impact Blog.
Montgomery, L. & Neylon, C. (September 17, 2018). In a globalised and networked world, what is the unique value a university can bring? Introducing Open Knowledge Institutions. LSE Impact Blog.
Montgomery, L., Katz, D. S. & Guest, O. (March 6, 2019). Creating an Inclusive Research Landscape, F1000 Blog.
Montgomery, L. & Neylon, C. (March 29, 2019). The value of a journal is the community it creates, not the papers it publishes. LSE Impact Blog.
Neylon, C. (September 25, 2019). Do university rankings measure anything at all? Wonkhe Blog.
Benneworth, P., Olmos Peñuela, J., Montgomery, L., Neylon, C., Hartley, J., & Wilson, K. (2019). “The ‘open’ university as a transformer of public service ideals.” In Humanities and Higher Education: Generating synergies between Science, Technology and Humanities, Higher Education in the World 7, Global University Network for Innovation, Girona, Spain, pp. 453-461,
Neylon, C. (2019). Governing Open Science: Introduction. In L Chan, A Okune, B Hillyer, D Albornoz, A Posada (eds). Contextualizing openness: Situating open science. Ottawa: University of Ottawa Press.
Neylon, C., et al. (2019). Open Scholarship and the need for collective action. London: Knowledge Exchange.
Neylon, C. (2020). Research excellence is a neo-colonial agenda (and what might be done about it). In E Kraemer-Mbula, R Tijssen, M Wallace & R McLean (eds), Transforming Research Excellence. Cape Town: African Minds, pp. 92-115.
Pyne, R., Lucraft, M., Emery, C., Neylon, C., Montgomery, L., & Ozaygen, A. (2020). Diversifying readership through open access: A usage analysis for OA books.
Montgomery, L., Hartley, J., Neylon, C., Gillies, M., Gray, E., Herrmann-Pillath, C., Huang, C-K., Leach, J., Potts, J., Ren, X., Skinner, K., Sugimoto, C., & Wilson, K. (2020 In press), Open Knowledge Institutions: Reinventing Universities. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
Handcock, R.N., Neylon, C., Hosking, R., Diprose, J., Roelofs, A., Montgomery, L., Ozaygen, A., Wilson, K., & Huang, C-K. Semi-auto generated reports from a large dataset for non-expert users. (2020). eResearch Australasia Online Conference, 19 – 23 October 2020.
Huang, C-K. (2020). How open are universities? An Australian case study. Presented at the 2020 7:AM Altmetrics Conference, online. Presentation slides available at
Roelofs, A., Diprose, J., Hosking, R., Handcock, R.N., Neylon, C., Montgomery, L., Ozaygen, A., Wilson, K., & Huang, C-K. Dynamic allocation of computational resources using Airflow and Terraform. (2020). eResearch Australasia Online Conference, 19 – 23 October 2020.
Montgomery, L. (March 23, 2020). On track or off the rails? Australia’s Open journey [Panel] OASPA Webinar
Wilson K., Montgomery, L., Neylon, C., Handcock, R.,Hosking, R., Huang, C-K., Ozaygen, A., and Roelofs, A. (2021). Becoming Open Knowledge Institutions: Divergence, Dialogue and Diversity. In: Toeppe K., Yan H., Chu S.K.W. (eds) Diversity, Divergence, Dialogue. iConference 2021. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 12646. Cham: Springer.
Wilson, K., Montgomery, L., Neylon, C., Hosking, R., Huang, C.-K. (Karl), Ozaygen, A., Handcock, R. N., & Roelofs, A. (2020). Extending researcher knowledge of open scholarship performance and options. eResearch Australasia Online Conference, 19 – 23 October 2020.
Montgomery, L. (2021, June 23). Making Big Data Useful: How Data Visualisation Can Support Open Scholarship, CAVAL Selling Open Scholarship CRIG forum webinar series
Wilson, K. (2021, June 23). The Curtin Open Knowledge Initiative: Sharing data on scholarly research performance. LIBER Annual Conference 2021. Slides: Presentation recording:
New rankings system shows flaws in university league tables. (2020, October 12). Curtin University News and Events.
Montgomery, L. (2020, August 26). China’s role in research: it’s no secret, Campus Morning Mail.
Montgomery, L. (2020, November 9). Global scholars’ attitudes to open access. Remaking HE: Opportunities for higher education in a post Covid world, Online[Video].
Montgomery, L., Schmidt, B., & Farley, A. (2020, November 9). Who owns your work? [Panel]. Remaking HE: Opportunities for higher education in a post Covid world, Online.
Montgomery, L. (2021, January 4). 2020 locked in shift to open access publishing, but Australia is lagging. The Conversation
Ross, J. (2020, October 24). Open access ‘top performers’ in Africa and Latin America. Times Higher Education News. [Features C-K Huang]
Winkler, T. (2020, November 9). Open access the great right way | Campus Morning Mail.
Hartley, J, Potts, J, Montgomery L, Rennie E, and Neylon C. (2019). Do we need to move from communication technology to user community? A new economic model of the journal as a club. Learned Publishing 32(1): 27–35.
Wilson, K., Neylon, C., Brookes-Kenworthy, C., Hosking, R., Huang, C-K., Montgomery, L. & Ozaygen, A. (2019). ‘Is the library open?’: Correlating unaffiliated access to academic libraries with open access support. LIBER Quarterly, 29(1), 1-33.
Wilson, K., Neylon, C., Montgomery, L. & Huang, C-K. (2019). Access to academic libraries: An indicator of openness? Information Research, 24(1), paper 809. (Archived at
Wilson, K., Neylon, C., Montgomery, L., Huang, C-K., Hosking, R., and Ozaygen, A. (Submitted 2020). Global diversity in higher education staffing: Towards openness. Higher education.
Huang, C.-K., Neylon, C., Hosking, R., Montgomery, L., Wilson, K. S., Ozaygen, A., & Brookes-Kenworthy, C. (2020). Meta-Research: Evaluating the impact of open access policies on research institutions. ELife, 9, e57067.
Montgomery, L., Neylon, C., Wilson, K., Huang, C-K., Hosking, R., Ozaygen, A., and Handcock, R. (2020). Who puts the ‘open’ in open knowledge? Cultural Science Journal. 12(1), 13–22. DOI:
Huang, C.-K., Neylon, C., Brookes-Kenworthy, C., Hosking, R., Montgomery, L., Wilson, K., & Ozaygen, A. (2020). Comparison of bibliographic data sources: Implications for the robustness of university rankings. Quantitative Science Studies, 1(2), 445-478.
Selten, F., Neylon, C., Huang, C.-K., & Groth, P. (2020). A Longitudinal Analysis of University Rankings. Quantitative Science Studies, 1(3), 1109–1135.
Arthur, P. L., Hearn, L., Montgomery, L., Craig, H.,
Arbuckle, A., & Siemens, R. (2021). Open scholarship in Australia: A review
of needs, barriers, and opportunities. Digital Scholarship in the Humanities,
Ozaygen. A., Montgomery, L., Neylon, C., Huang, C-K., Pyne, R., Emery, C., & Lucraft, M. (2020). More readers in more places: The benefits of open access for scholarly books. Zenodo.
Huang, C-K., Neylon, C., Hosking, R., Montgomery, L., Wilson, K., Ozaygen, A., Brookes-Kenworthy, C. (2020). Evaluating institutional open access performance: Sensitivity analysis. bioRxiv.
Huang, C-K., Neylon, C., Hosking, R., Brookes-Kenworthy, C., Wilson, K., & Montgomery, L. (2020). Data and Intermediate Queries for: Evaluating institutional open access performance: Methodology, challenges and assessment. Zenodo.
Brookes-Kenworthy, C., Huang, C-K., Neylon, C., Wilson, K., Ozaygen, A., Montgomery, L., & Hosking, R. (2019). Manual cross-validation data for the article: “Comparison of bibliographic data sources: Implications for the robustness of university rankings”. Zenodo.
Huang, C.-K. (Karl). (2020, November 13). How open is open access? The Naked Scientists. [podcast]