Nigeria’s role as a global leader in open access has become more widely recognised as a result of the COVID-19 crisis, COKI-co-lead Professor Cameron Neylon has said.
Speaking at a seminar on open access hosted by Nigeria’s Lagos State University, Professor Neylon said the current COVID-19 crisis would serve as preparation for a turbulent future, when the world needed to find new answers to crises from across the world, not just from universities with large historic profiles.
The success of open access data and results sharing in hastening the development of COVID-19 responses and treatment had locked in the importance of open access for the future.
“Information systems from now on will need to be rapid and open, to serve the needs of the global community,” Professor Neylon said.
“African and Nigerian institutions have already been leading the way in delivering on a strong commitment to sharing data and research outcomes – fulfilling commitments to share the benefits of their research with their communities.
Open Access: Nigeria is a Global Leader
The rise of open access in 2020 and growing recognition of the importance and impact of research in Africa and South America would help to change global understanding of the research landscape, Professor Neylon said.
Professor Neylon’s presentation was part of the 13th LASU Virtual Public Lecture on Scholarly Communications and Institutional Repositories: Strategic Pathways for Quality Library Services Delivery in Nigerian Universities within and post COVID-19 Era.