Katie Wilson and the COKI team, pdf available here
2022 Highlights
- The COKI Open Access Dashboard Launch. In 2022 COKI launched a powerful new open access dashboard that makes it possible to engage with data about open access publications by region, country and institution.
- The Mellon Foundation funded project Developing a Pilot Data Trust for Open Access Ebook Usage (January 2020 to March 2022) was delivered in March 2022, and led directly into the commencement of the COARD and Mellon Foundation funded project OA Book Usage Analytics for Diverse Communities – A Demonstration Project (April 2022 to April 2025). Building upon the success of the OAeBU project which delivered a series of pilot dashboards investigating usage of Open Access eBooks for 6 initial project partners, the Book Analytics Dashboard (BAD) Project will focus on creating a sustainable OA Book focused analytics service by scaling workflows, infrastructure and customer support and developing a long-term plan for housing, maintenance and funding of the analytics service as a sustainable community infrastructure.
- A focus on the role of diversity in understanding and evaluating knowledge production and impact. We investigated dimensions of diversity in global institutional workforces, and explored the role of open access in changing the narrative of gender imbalance in research performance, production and output. Our analysis of citations to research outputs identifies a strong association between open access and a diversity of citation sources by institutions, countries, subregions, regions and fields of research, indicating the strength of open access in expanding the reach of research. Analysis of languages used in scholarly publications reveals diversity in open access practices in non-English languages and regions.
- We launched the first annual report on the Global State of Open Access for 2021.
- Our co-authored open access book Open Knowledge Institutions: Reinventing Universities, MIT Press, reached number 6 in The Australian newspaper’s top 10 books by Australian academics for 2022.
New Appointments
Dr Julian Tonti-Filippini
Julian joined the COKI team as a Senior Data Scientist in January 2022. With a background in computational biology, Julian brings expertise in full-stack software development, data engineering, systems architecture, and bioinformatics. Julian is currently leading research and development in the Research Impact and Evaluation System.
Keegan Smith
Keegan joined the COKI team as a Developer in May 2022. With a background in astrophysics, Keegan brings expertise in software development and problem solving skills to the COKI team, contributing to the COKI technical infrastructure that build the COKI datasets as well as leading software development for the Book Analytics Dashboard project.
Alex Massen-Hane
Alex joined the COKI team as a Developer in July 2022. With a background in physics and data science, IT support and deployment. Alex brings expertise in software development, high performance computing and data science to the COKI team. Alex is currently contributing to the continued development of the COKI Open Access dashboard, developing new features and improvements as well contributing to the COKI technical infrastructure.
We said farewell to Senior Data Scientists Dr Rebecca Lange (January 2022) and Dr Rafiq Mohammed (January 2022), Research Fellow Dr Alkim Ozaygen (March 2022) and Developer Aniek Roelofs (July 2022). Thank you all for your fantastic contributions to the COKI team over the past few years!
Publications and editing
Huang, Chun-Kai (Karl), Neylon, Cameron, Montgomery, Lucy, Hosking, Richard, Diprose, James P., Handcock, Rebecca N., & Wilson, Katie. (2022). Open Access Research Outputs Receive More Diverse Citations (Version 2). Zenodo. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.7099438
Wilson, K., Neylon, C., Montgomery, L., Huang, C.-K. (Karl), Handcock, R. N., Roelofs, A., Hosking, R., & Ozaygen, A. (2022). Global Diversity in Higher Education Workforces: Towards Openness. Open Library of Humanities, 8(1), Article 1. https://doi.org/10.16995/olh.4809
Wilson K, Huang C-K, Montgomery L, Neylon C, Handcock RN, Ozaygen A, Roelofs A. 2022 Changing the academic gender narrative through open access. Publications, 10(3): 22. https://doi.org/10.3390/publications10030022
Wilson, K., Montgomery, L., Neylon, C., Huang, C.-K. (Karl), & Handcock, R. N. (2022). The Curtin Open Knowledge Initiative: Sharing data on scholarly research performance. LIBER Quarterly: The Journal of the Association of European Research Libraries, 32(1), Article 1. https://doi.org/10.53377/lq.11544
Katie Wilson co-edited a special issue of Frontiers in Research Metrics and Analysis | Scholarly Communication which explores the state of open science, open data and open access across Africa.
Lucy Montgomery, Katie Wilson and Karl Huang are co-editors of a special issue of the journal Publications exploring issues of Open Access and Equity, Justice and Diversity.
Jamie Diprose led the development of the latest public COKI Open access dashboard which went live in April 2022.The dashboard displays open access performance for 189 countries and 7715 institutions. This includes countries having at least 31 research outputs and institutions with at least 350 research outputs. Filter by region, country, or institution to display output counts, number and percentage of accessible outputs (publisher and other platform open, both and closed) published between 2000 and 2021. The COKI Open Access Dataset is created with the COKI Academic Observatory data collection pipeline which fetches data about research publications from multiple sources, synthesises the datasets and creates the open access calculations for each country and institution. The code for this website is available at the COKI Open Access Website Github project. The COKI Open Access Dataset is created with the COKI Academic Observatory data collection pipeline which fetches data about research publications from multiple sources, synthesises the datasets and creates the open access calculations for each country and institution. The code for this website is available at the COKI Open Access Website Github project.
Topic or subject focused dashboards developed in 2022 include
- a prototype of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander research publications for the Australian Institute of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Studies (AIATSIS).
- Climate change research Cameron Neylon and Bianca Kramer analysed the references in the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change Working Groups 1 and 2 contributions to the Sixth Assessment Report to determine the open accessibility of material cited in the reports.
Language diversity in scholarly publishing. Jamie Diprose, Cameron Neylon and Bianca Kramer mapped and analysed 122 million CrossRef objects up to the end of May 2022 to languages (based on titles and abstracts, where available). English dominates the scholarly literature followed by German, French, with Spanish and Portuguese growing, and Bahasa Indonesian as the next largest language. Although outputs in languages other than English are a small proportion, the analysis reveals diversity of open access practices and differences in categorisation in Latin America, Eastern Europe, Scandinavia and Indonesia.

Language diversity in scholarly publishing, May 2022. Analysis and image: COKI.
The Global State of Open Access 2021. Cameron Neylon and Chun-Kai (Karl) Huang produced the first in an annual report series, presenting open access census data for 2020. Based on COKI data the report shows at the end of 2021 the global open access level for research published in 2020 reached 49%, an increase of 3% compared to outputs published in 2019.

Global state of Open Access, 2021. Analysis and image: COKI.
Creative Practice Research Outputs: Opportunities for Curtin University. Final report of the project led by Niamh Quigley which explored current workflows for creative practice researchers at Curtin University, and the role that open access research repositories could play in supporting the visibility of creative practice research outputs (CPROs).
Automating ERA (Excellence in Research for Australia) benchmarks. Julian Tonti-Filippini led the construction of a pilot system to demonstrate the feasibility of conducting an on-demand, ERA-like analysis for research-active institutions (globally), using journal-level metadata from the Australian Research Council and article-level metadata from publicly available datasets. Analysis is conducted for ANZSRC fields of research (FoRs) between the years 2011-2021.
Presentations and other online events
What do we know about open science and its impact on diversity? Lucy Montgomery presented COKI research as part of a panel on diversity and inclusion at the NHMRC (National Health and Medical Research Council) Research Translation Long Weekend 2022. 21 November 2022.
Beyond just counting the beans: Reimagining research indicators to favour diversity.
Cameron Neylon presented at the Research on Research Institute’s Culture Shift series on 15 September 2022, proposing greater diversity in indicators and greater diversity in data sources used for research performance evaluation. This will enable expansion beyond the circle of high prestige researchers and institutions that dominate rankings and other measures.
Open Access in Australia. Lucy Montgomery presented at the OASPA (Open Access Scholarly Publishing Association) Webinar On track or off the rails? Australia’s Open Journey on 22 March 2022.
Book Analytics Dashboard. Lucy Montgomery presented the Book Usage Analytics for Diverse Communities project during the Open Access Books Network online event Open Access Usage Data: Present Knowledge, Future Developments, 9 November 2022.
Diversity in citations: Implications for Repositories. Chun-Kai (Karl Huang) presented his analysis of diverse citations to research output to the CAUL Transformative Agreements Implementation Communities of Practice Working Group 2022/6, 3 November 2022.
Universities as open knowledge institutions. Katie Wilson presented the Curtin Open Knowledge Initiative project and her research into diversity in higher education workforces to the Learning Lab, Te Herenga Waka – Victoria University of Wellington, 16 August 2022.
Sharing academic research: The role of institutional repositories. Niamh Quigley presented her findings from a project exploring the role of Australian university repositories in sharing academic research, Online Webinar from Curtin University Library, International Open Access Week, 26 Oct 2022. The project report is also available.
Making Open Access Work for You. Katie Wilson chaired an online panel discussion about open access publishing, the publishing model, and open access initiatives at Te Herenga Waka during International Open Access Week, 26 October 2022.
Open Access and Transformative Agreements: What’s Next? Chun-Kai (Karl) Huang was a panellist at this RMIT Open Research Seminar during International Open Access Week, 25 October 2022.
From Astrophysics to Research Software Development: Responding to a need for a new breed of expertise. Keegan Smith presented this keynote topic at the “Early Career and Student Statisticians Miniconference 2022”, 17 November 2022.
In the media
Lucy Montgomery discussed the OA Book Usage Analytics for Diverse Communities – A Demonstration Project on Perth radio station RTR FM 92.1, 27 April 2022.
The OA Book Usage Analytics project featured in Get Education, Get Stem, MyScience.org, Mirage News, 12 April 2022 and the Busy Continent, 14 April 2022.
Lucy Montgomery featured in The battle against paywalls on research on The Weekly with Charlie Pickering broadcast on ABC TV, 4 May 2022.
Katie Wilson and Lucy Montgomery posted Changing the gender narrative with open access to the LSE Impact Blog, 14 July 2022.
Cameron Neylon authored an opinion piece in Nature: World View titled Stop misusing data when hiring academics, 26 July 2022.
Open Knowledge Institutions: Reinventing Universities, MIT Press, co-authored by Lucy Montgomery, Cameron Neylon, Katie Wilson, Chun-Kai (Karl) Huang et al., featured at number 6 in The Australian newspaper’s list of top 10 most cited books by Australian academics for 2022.
COKI featured several times throughout the year in the Australian newsletter Campus Morning Mail:
- 11.4.22 Curtin U’s Open Knowledge Initiative opens-up OA performance
- 13.4.22 Book-keeper COKI
- 19.9.22 Open access delivers research readers in more places
- 21.9.22 ARC-independent way to measure research performance
- 28.9.22 A new ERA for researchers
COKI is collaborating with UNESCO to contribute data for the UNESCO Recommendation on Open Science, adopted in November 2021.
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